クールジャパンジャーナルvol-10 特集[世界都市江戸 誕生秘話]2019年12月・2020年1月合併号

Cool Japan Journal vol-10 Special Issue [World City Edo: The Untold Story of Its Birth] December 2019/January 2020 issue

From Cool Japan Journal vol. 8, the 13th interview with a long-established Edo inbound shop, Mr. Seio Yoshida (CJJ special editorial board member), representative of Ibasen, a manufacturer and seller of fans, folding fans, and Japanese paper. 10 pages in total.

This long-established interview is in a gorgeous dialogue format, with Toshihiko Murata, resident representative to the United Nations, and Yoshikazu Hashimoto, a conceptor and marketing professional, as listeners. The "SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals)" adopted at the UN Summit, Nihonbashi, the starting point of the 5 highways and the origin of Edo (old name of Tokyo), is a place that can be revived again and again. Sustainable, long-established stores that revive the Nihonbashi area again and again. Here, important Japanese culture, which can serve as a benchmark for the world in the future, is still alive as a Japanese asset.


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