Column Articles

What tools are used in Rakugo? How to use a fan and tenugui, and tools specific to Kamigata Rakugo

Rakugo, a traditional Japanese art form, is a performance art in which comical storytellers entertain their audiences with satire and humor. The charm of rakugo lies not only in its skillful storytelling, but also in its use of unique tools. In this issue, we will introduce some of the tools used in rakugo to make it easier for rakugo beginners to understand. We will also touch on the props used in Kamigata Rakugo, so if you are interested in learning more about the world of Rakugo, please take a look at this article.

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Published on June 22, 2023

What is the difference between "Noh" and "Kyogen"? Comparison of features and history at a glance

Noh" and "Kyogen," both traditional Japanese performing arts, are known for being performed on a Noh stage depicting a large pine tree, and have many similarities. What exactly are the differences between Noh and Kyogen? When viewing traditional performing arts, it is important to keep in mind the differences and highlights of both in advance.

This article provides basic knowledge about the differences between Noh and Kyogen. If you are interested in Japanese traditional performing arts, or if you are planning to see Noh or Kyogen, please read this article for reference.

For more information, click here.

Published on June 22, 2023

Deepen your knowledge of events unique to Japan|List of traditional and annual events

Japan has a variety of traditional events that are not found in other countries. Because of the four seasons of spring, summer, fall, and winter, many events and customs are unique to each season. In recent years, it is not uncommon for events that originated overseas to evolve into a uniquely Japanese style and take root in Japanese culture.

Here, we will introduce such Japanese-only events by season. We will also tell you about traditional events held at milestones in life. Let's take a fresh look at events that are familiar to Japanese people's lives.

For more information, click here.

Published on June 22, 2023

What is the true meaning of Setsubun? The Meaning of Bean-throwing, How to do it, and What to Eat

Setsubun is one of Japan's traditional events, and is now2month of May (the first day of the year)3Setsubun is one of Japan's traditional events, and is usually held on the first day of the month. Nowadays, the image of Setsubun as an event to drive away evil spirits by throwing beans (mame-maki) and eating ehomaki (rolls wrapped in eho-maki) is becoming more and more common. However, few people may know the original meaning of Setsubun. In fact, Setsubun is also related to "Nijushisekki," which refers to the turning points of the four seasons. In this issue, we will introduce the original meaning of Setsubun, the origin of Mamemaki (bean-throwing ceremony), and trivia about the event food eaten on Setsubun.

For more information, click here.

Published on June 22, 2023

What is Ebisu-ko? When it is held, its origin, and nationally famous festivals

Ebisu-kou" is a festival to worship Ebisu-sama. Ebisu-sama is one of the gods of Japan and is famous for being included in the seven gods of good fortune. You have probably seen him somewhere with a fishing rod in his hand, holding a large fish. He is believed by fishermen and farmers to bring bountiful catches, and is also believed by merchants as a god of prosperity. It is also believed in by merchants as a god of prosperity.

In this article, we will explain about "Ebisu-ko," an event related to Ebisu-sama. Please read on as we introduce the basics of Yebisu-ko and famous Yebisu-ko in Japan.

For more details, click here.

Published on June 22, 2023

What to bring to a tea ceremony? What tools are needed for the tea ceremony and what is useful to have?

The tea ceremony is a traditional Japanese ritual. Many people are attracted by the beauty of the tea utensils and the manners of the tea ceremony, and many are interested in it. If you are invited to a tea ceremony party, what preparations should you make? When attending a tea ceremony, you should have the necessary utensils in plenty of time.

Here, for those who attend a tea ceremony tea party, we will introduce the basic items to bring and what is useful to have. We also explain what to wear at the tea ceremony, so please use this information to help you prepare for the day of the event.

For more information, click here.

Published on May 22, 2023

What is a Rakugo Yose? Basic knowledge and manners beginners should know.

In recent years, rakugo has become popular among young people due to the influence of popular manga and TV dramas, etc. While enjoying rakugo on CD or video is fine, it goes without saying that there is a special charm in a "yose," where you can enjoy a live performance by a rakugo performer or comedian. However, for beginners of Rakugo, Yose is an unknown world. There are probably many points of concern, such as how to buy tickets and etiquette. In this issue, we will introduce basic knowledge about Yose, etiquette and how to enjoy Rakugo for beginners.

For more information, click here.

Published on May 22, 2023

What to wear to a Sumo match? How to choose what to wear and what to bring

Sumo, the national sport of Japan, is a traditional sport with a long history. Although it is famous worldwide as a sport that symbolizes Japan, surprisingly few people have actually been to a sumo match. The appeal of watching a sumo match lies in the intensity that cannot be experienced live on TV, such as the fiercely competitive clashes between rikishi wearing mawashi (a ceremonial kimono) and the atmosphere in the venue filled with excitement. However, many people may be at a loss as to what to wear when they go to watch a sumo match. In this issue, we will introduce the manner in which to dress for a sumo match, what to bring that is useful, and how to enjoy the event.

For more information, click here.

Published on May 22, 2023


Manners of Tea Ceremony|How to dress, seating order, how to drink tea and eat sweets?

The tea ceremony is a traditional Japanese ritual in which the host entertains guests and serves tea. It is also called "chanoyu. Sen no Rikyu, a tea master active from the Warring States Period to the Azuchi-Momoyama Period, brought the tea ceremony to its peak. Today, there are several schools of tea ceremony, such as Omotesenke, Urasenke, and Mushanokoji Senke, and the spirit of the tea ceremony has been passed down to the present day. 

If you are invited to a tea ceremony party, we recommend that you check the basic etiquette. Here, we will introduce the tea ceremony attire, seating order, and how to receive tea and sweets.

For more information, click here.

Published on May 22, 2023

What tools do you need for chess? The essentials and what can enhance the atmosphere of the game if you have them.

Shogi, a traditional Japanese game of chess, is a game of beauty that can be felt from the tools used in the game. When you see a professional player playing Shogi, you may think, "I want to play Shogi with real Shogi tools too! You may feel a longing to play Shogi with authentic tools. In this article, we will introduce tools necessary for playing Shogi and tools that enhance the atmosphere of a game. If you are just starting to play Shogi or if you want to enjoy the hobby even more, please read this article for reference.

For more information, click here.

Published on May 22, 2023

Shogi Etiquette│Precautions and Things Spectators Should Remember When Playing Shogi

In addition to the rules of the game, there are other rules of etiquette for playing Shogi that both players need to follow in order to play comfortably. In recent years, it has become easy to play Shogi online, and some people may not have many opportunities to meet their opponents face to face. However, if you are interested in participating in Shogi tournaments or social events, we recommend that you learn Shogi etiquette as well.

Shogi is only possible when you have a partner to play with. To ensure a smooth game and friendly competition, it is important to learn the basic manners of Shogi. In this article, we will explain the manners you should know while playing or watching a game of Shogi.

For more information, click here.

Published on May 22, 2023

How do you tell the difference between a real and a fake sandalwood fan? Price and fragrance are the key factors.

A sandalwood fan emits a unique sweet and gentle fragrance every time you look up at it. The beauty of the openwork carving that brings out the texture of the wood is also attractive, and many people may be longing to have a real sandalwood fan someday. Although sandalwood fans are sought after by many people, one needs to be somewhat careful when purchasing them, as there are counterfeit ones on the market that are made of materials other than sandalwood. In this article, we will show you how to distinguish between genuine and fake sandalwood fans. Please check the characteristics of genuine sandalwood fans to help you in your shopping.

For more information, click here.

Published on April 26, 2023


The Appeal and History of Uchiwa as a Traditional Craft|Basic Knowledge of Japan's Three Major Uchiwa Crafts 

What are the characteristics of uchiwa that have been traditionally made in each region? In this article, we introduce the production areas of Uchiwa that have continued in Japan since ancient times and the charm of each type of Uchiwa.

Click here for details.

Published on April 26, 2023


17 Stylish Fans! How to choose a fan without fail [Men's/Women's].

The shape of a folding fan has the connotation of "spreading out and flourishing. Since a folding fan forms a shape that spreads out when it is unfolded, it is considered a good omen in Japan. Stylish fans are recommended not only for daily use but also as gifts. They are a standard celebratory gift for kanreki celebrations and Respect for the Aged Day, but recently they are also gaining popularity as birthday presents and tasteful gifts for Mother's Day and Father's Day. In this issue, we will introduce stylish fans for men and women and how to choose a fan that will not fail.

For more information, click here.

Published on April 26, 2023

Is a fan (sensu) good luck? Reasons and points to keep in mind when giving them as gifts.

A fan is famous in Japan as an item of good luck. You have probably seen fans used in festivals, celebrations, and other festive occasions. As a lucky charm, fans are also appreciated in gift-giving situations. Why not choose a fan as a gift for a family member or a loved one? This article will tell you why fans are considered lucky. We will also tell you the points to keep in mind when giving them as gifts, so please take a look.

For more information, click here.

Published on April 26, 2023


History of Uchiwa|Changes in usage and the three major types of Uchiwa in Japan

The sight of people fanning themselves with uchiwa fans to cool off has become a summer tradition. They are also popular as an item to add color to summer kimonos and yukata kimonos. What is the history of uchiwa fans before they took root in Japanese life? This article explains how Uchiwa originated in Japan and how their use has changed over the years. We will also introduce some historical uchiwa, such as the three most famous uchiwa in Japan. Please read this article to further enjoy the familiar Uchiwa.

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Published on April 3, 2023


Fans as gifts3Selection|Meanings, types, and tips on how to choose the right one to give.

The key to choosing a gift for birthdays, anniversaries, and other celebratory occasions is to choose a gift that will make the recipient happy. If you can convey your feelings for the recipient and your congratulations, the gift will be more memorable. If you want to give a stylish gift for your loved one's anniversary, how about a fan? Since ancient times, fans have been considered a standard gift as an item of good luck. In this issue, we will introduce the meaning behind giving a fan as a gift, pointers on how to choose one, and recommended fans as gifts.

For more information, click here.

Published on April 3, 2023


Names of each part of the fan|Explanation of basic knowledge such as structure and main types

A fan is a tool used to blow air and cool off during the hot and humid season. Although the uchiwa (Japanese fan) has its roots in China, it is said that the idea of making a portable, convenient fan-shaped fan was invented in Japan. It used to be called a hiwogi (Japanese cypress fan), which was made by piling up bundles of wood. In Japan, fans have been made since the Nara and Heian periods, and their structure has remained almost unchanged. The basic structure of any fan is the same, consisting of several to several dozen "fan bones" and the surface "fan face. In this issue, we will introduce the names and types of each part of the folding fan, which is loved by many people around the world.

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Published on April 3, 2023


How to properly store a fan? How to use and maintain it to make it last longer

Some of you may love to use a fan when you want to add a touch of fashion or when you want to cool off during the hot season. It would be ideal if such a favorite fan could be used indefinitely. However, since fans are basically consumable goods, the same item cannot be used forever. It is difficult to avoid deterioration over time if you continue to use it for a long time.

In order to keep using such fans for as long as possible, daily usage and storage methods are important. Let's prolong the life of your precious folding fans by storing and caring for them in an appropriate manner. In this article, we will introduce storage methods that you should keep in mind if you own a fan. We will also tell you how to use and maintain them, so let's go over them again.

For more information, click here.

Published on April 3, 2023


What is the difference between high-end fans? Features, how to tell them apart, and recommended products.

Folding up small and easy to carry, fans can be used not only to match a cool yukata or kimono, but also for everyday use to keep cool. In recent years, they are available at reasonable stores and in a variety of price ranges. When using it as a fashion item or giving it as a gift to a loved one, you want to choose a fan with a luxurious and fashionable design. In this issue, we will introduce the characteristics of high-class fans, points to consider when selecting one, and recommended products.

For more information, click here.

Published on Mar 28, 2023


What is Tousenkyo? Basic playing and throwing tips

Tosenkyo, a traditional Japanese game, has a great appeal because of the beauty of throwing a fan. Although you may have an image of it as a maiko's tatami room game, in fact, there are many schools and groups, and it is so popular that tossing fan contests are held. Recently, events are being held for people who are new to Utsusenkyo, where they can experience it for themselves. Since many of the matches are played in kimono, it would be even more fun to play in kimono. This article explains how to play Tousenkyo.

For more information, click here.

Published on March 28, 2023


The meaning of Suehiro, correct usage to keep in mind, and manners to be aware of.

In Japan, a shape that spreads out toward the end is called "suehiro" and is considered auspicious. For example, the Chinese numeral "8" is an example of "suehigawari. Similarly, a fan has long been used as a good-luck talisman, since the shape of a fan spreading out is also a "suehagari" (spreading out). In this issue, we will tell you about "Suehiro (congratulatory fan)," a fan used for celebratory occasions. We will also explain the meaning behind Suehiro, correct usage, and manners for celebrations, so please read on for reference.

For details, click here.

Published on March 28, 2023


Basic Knowledge of Congratulatory Fans|Main Types, Proper Usage, and 6 Popular Congratulatory Fans

Fans have long been considered lucky charms in Japan and have been used on festive occasions. At weddings and other festive occasions, fans called "shugi-sen" (congratulatory fans) are used as accessories. If you are wearing a formal kimono, please prepare a congratulatory fan as well. This article describes the characteristics of the shugi fan, its differences from ordinary fans, and the etiquette for using it on festive occasions. In addition, we also introduce the congratulatory fans recommended by Ibasen, a long-established company that handles a wide variety of fans, so we hope you will find them useful in your preparations for the celebration.

For details, click here.

Published on March 28, 2023


What is the difference between a fan, a folding fan, and an uchiwa fan? The history of each and 6 recommended products

Fans and uchiwa fans are familiar to us all. They are all known as tools used to create a breeze by fanning with one's hands, but what exactly are the differences between them? This article explains the differences and history of fans, folding fans, and uchiwa fans. We also introduce six products of fans, folding fans, and uchiwa fans recommended by Ijasen, a long-established company.

For more information, click here.

Published on Feb 6, 2023


Main Types of Fans|Classification by Material, Use, Place of Origin, Size, and Proper Usage

Folding fans are used in a wide range of situations, from daily life to lessons and celebrations. There are many types of fans. In recent years, many people give fans as gifts or souvenirs in addition to using them themselves, so it is important to check how to choose the right one. In this article, we will explain the different types of materials, uses, production areas, sizes, and patterns (designs) that you should keep in mind when purchasing a fan.

For more information, click here.

Published on Feb 6, 2023


The Meaning Behind the Gift of a Fan|Recommended Gift Occasions and Points to Consider

On occasions when you want to express your congratulations or daily gratitude to a loved one, you want to choose a wonderful gift that will remain in your heart. If you are at a loss to choose a gift for such a congratulatory occasion, we recommend a fan for gift-giving. Easy to carry and convenient to use in daily life, fans have long been regarded as an item of good fortune, which is another major attraction of fans. In this article, we will tell you the meaning behind the gift of such a fan, recommended gift-giving occasions, and points to keep in mind when giving a gift.

For more information, click here.

Published on Feb 6, 2023


How a folding fan is made

The process pf making a fan Nihonbashi Ibasen" 14min. 9sec. without sound The production process of Edo folding fan will be delivered in an easy-to-understand video.

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July 6, 2020 


How to recognize a good fan

There are many different types of fans on the market these days. Most fans are made by hand and are a craft that expresses the skills of each individual craftsman. If used carefully, they will last for many years.

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Published on July 6, 2020 


History of Fans and Folding Fan

In the ancient Takamatsuzuka burial mound, a noble lady holds up a large fan-like object made of round wood and sewn with lacquer on a stick about 80 cm long. The fan was sliced and folded, and this was the beginning of the folding fan.

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Published on July 6, 2020