7" 5''
Edofolding fanSize of

eachfolding fanSize
500ml PET bottle ratio
From left to right, persimmon tanninfolding fanEdofolding fanand hand towelfolding fanOjiya Shrinkfolding fan
This is an adaptation of the phrase "Nisshinzetsuppo" (日進月歩), in which "day", "month", and "minute" are applied to each other.
It expresses progress at a faster rate than "Nichi-Shin-Getsu-Po".
Yoshio Kubo's Brand
Yoshio Kubo (yoshiokubo) is a Japanese men's fashion brand.
In addition to being a fashion designer, he also works as a calligraphy teacher.
Product details:
Japanese paper
7.5" x 7.5(22.5cm) Bamboo
Made in Ibasen
Edofolding fanSize of
500ml PET bottle ratio
From left to right, persimmon tanninfolding fanEdofolding fanand hand towelfolding fanOjiya Shrinkfolding fan